
#LoveThisQuote – Princess Diarist

I guess it was all going just a little too well If I wasn't careful, I'd be happy pretty soon. Carrie Fisher (The Princess Diarist) I've been sat on this book for too long and this, along with a few other lines really jumped out at me. I don't know how I feel about this… Continue reading #LoveThisQuote – Princess Diarist


#LoveThisQuote – The Inexplicable Logic of my Life

Words only exist in theory. And then one ordinary day you run into a word that only exists in theory and then you meet it face to face. And then that word becomes someone you know. The word becomes someone you hate. And you take that word with you everywhere you go and you can't… Continue reading #LoveThisQuote – The Inexplicable Logic of my Life


#LoveThisQuote – That Close

In a continuation of my quest to read more non fiction I finally got around to picking up a copy of Suggs' autobiography. Suggs, for those that don't know, is a member of the band, Madness, who are one of my favourite bands, they're just so much fun and I've always found Suggs to be… Continue reading #LoveThisQuote – That Close


#LoveThisQuote – Trapdoor

So you know I started doing posts that aren't just book quotes to replenish my now long gone quote book? (did get a few pretty special looking ones for Christmas though...) Well, I have a new thing I heard that I liked that isn't in a book that I'm going to share with you. Strap… Continue reading #LoveThisQuote – Trapdoor


#LoveThisQuote – My Heart and Other Black Holes

I am not one for New Year's resolutions, I never have been. Its partly because I find it hard to commit to anything and partly because I am too hard on myself if I fail, which I always inevitably do because I start having an existential crisis about whatever it is that I've set myself… Continue reading #LoveThisQuote – My Heart and Other Black Holes